If we change our streets, we change our city.
The Festival Trail links together and enhances projects already in the works.
The Festival Trail utilizes public transportation networks of Los Angeles to form a robust interconnected non-vehicular network that connects multiple Olympic venues and public attractions around the city. The network becomes a gateway to Los Angeles, telling the story of each community along the trail.
The Festival Trail features four modes of movement to walk, bike and roll through the city.
Enhancing the K-Line and People Mover as well as the peripheral areas of the metro lines, utilizing landscape elements to offer shade and comfort to pedestrians as well as beautify the streetscape
Enhancing the street life and culture of LA with art and ecology. Pedestrian and bike pathways are protected from vehicular movement.
Enhancing existing retail and commercial corridors, and making their frontages more walkable through the addition of landscape., public space and BRT (Bus Rapid Transit).
Celebrating the LA River by rewilding its edges, enhancing ecology and providing opportunities to experience nature in the city.